Every year, there's a group people - sighted, visually impaired, and mobility impaired individuals - that go up North for a very special weekend. It's called the MSFL Annual Event and is put on by Michigan Ski for Light. For many, it's better than Christmas!

First, there's cross country skiing. If you've ever tried to cross country ski with your eyes closed, you'll get a good idea of what it's like for the visually impaired. But paired with a sighted skier as a guide, they bravely try it. Not just once. We have at least three opportunities to ski for several hours at a time. Getting outside in the snow, gliding along, and balancing around turns and down small hills all adds up to a very fun time along with a feeling of major accomplishment.
Next, there's a sleepover. Staying overnight in one of the RAM center cabins is a lot of fun too. The heated cabins have numerous sleeping rooms, shared restrooms and showers, and a lounge area to relax on the couch, socialize with friends, or play cards at the table.
The food is awesome. The RAM center provides delicious, home cooked meals in their cafeteria. The long tables make it easy to meet even more friends. Snacks are available throughout the day for hungry skiers too.
An auction and talent show. Everyone saves a little money for spending at the annual event, in hopes of getting a good deal on something at the auction. The items donated keep getting better every year. It's also one of the biggest fund raisers to keep MSFL going! Talent show acts are performed in between the bidding, which help keep it all interesting!
Saturday night dance. With great DJs, awesome dance music, and tasty snacks, the community center turns into one big party for the Saturday night dance. Fast or slow, we know how to have a great time!
Campfires, games, and more. There's a campfire every night outside the community building, and more fires by the skiing areas to keep everyone toasty. Sunday morning is usually the time for a poker run on ski's, with prizes for the winners.
Singing, laughing, talking, and friends. The fun and friendship never stops at the MSFL Annual Event. Afterward, we all go home re-living some of our best experiences and dreaming of next year.
So if you're sighted, visually impaired, or mobility impaired, plan to join one of the funnest and most rewarding weekends ever. We have room, and would love to have you!
YES We Can!