Volunteers come from many walks of life and do a number of different tasks. Please consider volunteering for MSFL to keep this good thing going!

Annual event guides. For each visually or mobility impaired skier, at least one sighted skier is required. Guides pay for their lodging and food at the RAM, just like skiers do. We also enlist the help of college students as guides and offer them a much lower cost option for housing and food. Guides do not need skiing experience and are the perfect way to get started with MSFL.
Annual event worker bees. Worker bees are also needed at the annual event. They do everything from attending to dogs while their owners are skiing, help in the kitchen, chaperone, coordinate schedules, run errands, and more. For more information or to get permission to sign up as a worker bee, please contact registration@msfl.org
Annual event logistics. The Lions Club of Roscommon has made a long term commitment of financial and time support to our organization. They provide transportation to and from the ski area, and pick up and return about 40 pairs of rental skies, and much more. Thank you Lions Club.
Board members. Board members donate time for meetings, coordinating the annual event, handling the finances, taking in registrations, updating the website, and much, much more.
Transportation. Helping to transport skiers to the annual event is an important task. Coordinating this effort and ensuring everyone who desires to come has a ride is essential.
Volunteer A Service. In addition to volunteering at the annual event, board members volunteer many of their talents for other activities. Sometimes MSFL receives help from other individuals for tasks we desperately need. An example is dealing with the technical pieces of this website. For this, we thank Jeff Thomas from Grandesigns for all of his help! We certainly couldn't do it without you Jeff!
If you have a service that you'd like to donate to MSFL, we'd love to hear from you.
Please contact registration@msfl.org if you are interested in volunteering for Michigan Ski for Light!