MSFL 2025
MSFL 2025 is almost here! The dates for MSFL 2025 are January 17, 18, and 19. Register here!
Next Year: Bring a friend! - Reach out to friends and acquaintances who are visually or mobility impaired who would enjoy coming to MSFL's annual event. If you are responsible for bringing a first-year MIP (mobility-impaired skier) or VIP (visually impaired skier), you'll receive $25 off your own registration. We have the guides and the worker bees, and would love to offer this experience to everyone MSFL is here to support.
COVID statement for 2025 Event - (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) If you are having flu-like symptoms, COVID symptoms, or running a temperature of 100.4 or above, please do not attend. Once you are free from a temperature (100.4 or greater) for 24 hours, you are clear to resume normal activities.
LIKE "Michigan Ski for Light" on Facebook to receive MSFL updates on your Facebook feed and keep in touch with your MSFL friends!
MSFL is a 503c Non-Profit Organization. We accept donations to help offset the cost of our annual event -- our cross-country ski weekend for the visually and mobility impaired. This includes offering scholarships for those who cannot afford to attend. Please consider donating in these ways:
See any of the above pages for more information, or email us at:
With minimal funds and/or effort, you can help this amazing organization bring a rare opportunity for wintertime fun and laughter to those who are visually impaired or deal with mobility issues.
Yes we can!